Growing root ginger in Aotearoa/NZ?

Kia Ora Koutou,


I discovered that a small piece of root ginger sitting on the soil had started to sprout.

Has anyone tried to grow root ginger? Does it get more vigorous growth in spring?

I live in Whanganui, and get less than 10 frosts a year.

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  • Certainly give it a try, maybe cut the bottom off a plastic coke bottle or the like and place over the top making a sub tropical atmosphere?? They like warmth a lot.
  • I grew some in Auckland, it will rot in moist conditions, waiting for the spring to see if it regrows.
  • My question is only tentatively related to this discussion thread, but does anyone know where I could get a ginger beer plant from? (I don't want to use a normal brewer's yeast) See ( Thanks to anyone who can help.
  • Hi Peter- I have several pots of healthy robust ginger - all grown from supermarket ginger rhizomes. In Kawerau we get wicked frosts, so I have to have the plants inside, but they are quite attractive and if you handle the leaves, they release a lovely ginger fragrance into the room.I haven't harvested any yet, but the plants are looking good.
    • Thanks Teeli,
      I didn't realise when I started this discussion that it had previously been covered. You might find it ibnteresting to look up the references (above) that Meagan kindly supplied.
  • Thanks Nicholas and Meagan
  • Peter, there have been a couple of other discussions on growing ginger in this group that you might find useful
  • Ginger puts on most of its growth in summer and spring. Is the piece of root ginger from the supermarket or from a gardening resource ? If it is from a supermarket the chances of it providing you with a healthy plant are a bit iffy, most will come to nothing. Here's hopeing it shoots up. Once it takes root, its a very vigorous plant bordering on a weed.
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