
  • Franchi 4 seasons and misticanza lettuce mixes.
  • I have radicchio red leaved Italian lettuce seed and buttercrunch lettuce.
  • Ice King, Summer Queen, and Degli Ortolani.
  • Drunken Woman Fringed Head
  • available, chinese lettuce aka, mak choy.
  • Perella Rougette Montpellier seeds available. Butterhead type. Suitable as a winter lettuce only as it bolts to seed as soon as summer kicks in.
    • I have
      freckles, a cos type, green with reddish spots
      odells cos, lovely little funny looking cos which is tasy and crunchy
      winter wave, a green loose leaf curly oak shape
      red yugoslavian , a loose heart gem type
      red cos...
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