Necessity is the mother of invention….what do you do when you live in the city, drink
bottled water and have nary a patch of dirt in sight?

The Windowfarms project turns your window into an urban farm, using inexpensive and recyclable parts. The results are a “curtain” for any window that is also a year-round,
high-yield, vertical, hydroponic, modular, low-energy, edible garden. What more
could you ask for?

The project also encourages the community to innovate and share improvements.

Britta Riley and Rebecca Bray started the project in February, 2009 during their
artist’s residency in New York’s Eyebeam Art and Technology Center. Their mission is to encourage
sustainable solutions that can be implemented today by anyone. I’m having a
Martha moment…”it’s a beautiful thing”. I'm tossing in a few extra photos I found on the same idea.

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