Asparagus crowns

Hey everyone,

Could someone tell me what time of year you can get asparagus crowns and where from? I had little success from seed last year and want to make up some time and get crowns planted this year.



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  • Hi,

    You can get asparagus crowns (minimum of 20) from Peter Faloon's company. His crowns are virus free, which will not be the case for any asparagus seeds that you get hold of. The viruses will reduce productivity and longevity. Peter has some new phytophthera resistant varieties as well as the purple ones, which are delicious raw and cooked. I recommend his crowns. Mine arrived in great condition and are performing very well. the best time to order is July to September. just google Peter Faloon asparagus crowns and you'll find him.

    best wishes,


  • i think u can get crowns thru Sarah Frater at Edible Gardens in Palmy. and i think it might be about now. but you may have had to have ordered them? we had a discussion about asparagus with her last october. couldn't see it on the website but email and ask:) cheers

    Sarah Frater
    889 Ashhurst-Bunnythorpe
    RD 10, Palmerston North
    New Zealand

    Ph:06 326 7313
    Fax: 06 326 7314


  • Do have the green type as well kali,i replaced all mine with purple once i realized the taste difference

  • yes I have the pacific purple variety growing, took three/four years from seed. they are yummy, I only eat them raw snap and snack on them out in t he garden ::)

  • Laine ,the best tasting asparagus in my view is the pacific purple,i would imagine there wouldn't be a lot of this type around in the way of crowns,ive got lots of seed if you want some.

    I start my seed this time of year on a shelf above the logfire,once they are just up i transfer to small pots in my tunnelhouse,(which can only be done if it doesn't freeze inside) remembering that asparagus is only frost tender till the fronds open out, then they can take a frost in the spring outside. 

  • hello Laine, at $5 a plant I'd keep persevering with seed:) the best success for me was starting them inside a ziplock bag on damp paper towels and on a heat pad that we bought for our previous dog who had arthritis. I recall that they took ages to germinate but had a great strike rate once they took off. Anywhere warm like Richard says is the most important factor - top of your fridge or in the hot water cupboard if you don't have a heat pad?
  • they are sold as crowns from now on, while they are dormant, I have seen them at my local garden centre in previous years, not the cheapest things!

  • Cant help with knowing where to get any crowns,but seed is easy if the seed is kept about 18C and over during germination

  • I dont know much about growing them but see them on Trade Me a lot...

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