Where can I get elderberry trees?

I know they grow from cuttings and by suckering- but where can i GET these? I am happy to buy and to pay all costs etc in order to procure a dozencuttings...

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  • Hello Group! The year before last I aquired some elderberry cuttings from a lady in Auckland. My daughter who lives there  went and picked them up and brought them down. The problem is, neither of us can remember  who the kind person was....duh.My trees are doing fine and I picked some good berries this year.Someone on oooby has asked for some cuttings and I am happy to send him some when I prune next month, but I thought this lady may have bigger and better cuttings for him, and she is closer to him(he lives in Whangarei)...

    I know she lives in the country side near Auckland...

  • Hi everyone, I also am looking for a cutting, or a place to buy a tree, or anything - I'm in Auckland, anyone here got a tree I can have some of?

    • Hi Emma.... I feel a bit stupid, because I got my cuttings from a kind lady in Auckland! But I can't remember her name... I shall email my daughter who picked them up from her house on my behalf, and see if I can find out who it was. She is a member in here...OH, and also, I found 2 elderberry trees in Palmers Nurser in Rotorua last week..may pay to look there. They were only  $10  each.

    • I got mine on TradeMe, year before last.I got 2 variegated and 2 plain and after being transplanted several times, (I read they were poisonous to stock?) they have now
      taken off in our orchard and I picked the first flowers last week to make Elderflower Cordial.
  • Hi made use of the elderberry tree in many ways when i lived in the uk. I want to dothe same here in NZ . Where are there bushes/trees in NZ and do they grow better in the NI or the SI. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Would appreciate cuttings if possible. Thanks Just joined this site looks good!

  • I have a variegated tree which has yellow and green leaves so it is decorative, as well as productive.

    Let me know if you want a cutting. 

  • Elderberry cuttings ready to go, PM me your details for delivery by post.
    • Do you still have any of these, and know how big they get and how long they take to fruit? Sorry to dredge up an old thread but I have young children and would love elderberries to help them through winter ills!

    • I still have some trees, I can take cuttings again...They were popular!

      PM me your address and I will send some to you. The easiest thing to do with cutting is sit them in water (or put straight in ground) the harder wood bits will start to get nobbly bits that will be the roots, then plant. Either way is good. I have a small tree too which is about just over a metre high with lots of flowers.

      I picked a lots of berries last summer and froze them. When I made my plum jam I added some into that and it was great. No recipe or specific amount!

    • Hi Amy! I have several trees, when I say trees, Ireally mean lil tiny bushes, lol. They struggle here in Kawerau, we do get very cold in the winter. However, the few I have  will need a trim back( a little) after this years seeds  are done. I could send you those, if you'd like? Or I could keep some seed for you? Just let me know.

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