How can we maintain a raw diet when we're on the road? It's fine to run an all raw cuisine at home, plucking greens from the garden for a daily dose of green smoothie, soaking 'n sprouting seeds all over our kitchen window sills- but what happens when you have to travel? Does all this fall by the wayside, and we resort the the 'raw' fish options at the nearby Sushi Bar? Buying organic salads and preparing them in the hotel room is one option, however I'm keen on community and meeting other like minded folk, sharing ideas, and I thought this could be a good opportunity to inspire a Shout Out for the good food 'hot spots' out there. Maybe a cafe that has an awesome raw salad bar, or an organic juice bar, places we can drop in to and pick up a booster of nutritious, organic, raw goodness.
I put this out to you
What is your local 'Raw' dining hot spot? What town?
Go on, give them a plug!
Oh, and I'm in Sydney next week- any ideas across the Tasman? Paddington area, green smoothie bar perhaps?