December in the Glasshouse

November in my glasshouse can be summed up in one word-BUSY-so no blog happened. The December photo gives an idea of whaf the busy-ness was about: The glasshouse 2/12/09 with more than 100 tomato plants of various sizes, peppers, eggplants, zucchini, cucumbers, and various seeds being propagated. The cats hang out in here too so they have their own shelf and a few floor spaces beneath the shelves. Bastet, our 9 year old Moggy, is the cat in the photo. Seed propagation and seedling care were my main focus in November-many varieties of tomato, mostly heirloom and open pollinated varieties. These included Sub-Arctic Plenty, Oxheart, Big Raindow, Mortgage Lifter Bi-Colour, Black Krim, Speckled Roman, Costoluto Fiorentino, Principe Borghese, Cuore di Bue, Cuore di Toro, Nyagous, Giant Belgium, Marmande and Evergreen. I grew some novelties. These are Green Sausage, Lime Green Salad, Green Grape ( I LOVE green tomatoes), Black Cherry, and some two hybrids for containers-Tumbler and Yellow Canary. I propagated peppers- 4 Italian varieties : Topepo Rosso, Corno di Toro Rosso, Marconi Rosso and Jimmy Nardello; Alma Paprika, Chillis- A seed mix of Hot Chillis, Mulato, an Ancho mix that, sadly, didn't germinate, and Anaheim Sweet Peppers-Hungarian Sweet Wax, Californian Golden Wonder, Chocolate Beauty, and Horizon Orange. Aubergine-Violetta Lunga, Violetta di Fiorenza, Black Beauty, Tsasoniki, Zucchini-Cocozelle, Costata Romanesco These are some of the varieties I have grown. I will write about the rest and the care involved in the next instalment.

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  • Hi Sharon,

    It is quite early for here because we got our last frost mid-Nov! We don't usually have ripe fruit until at least the end of Feb. Good idea though re the black PB40's where do you get these from? Looking forward to seeing your pictures & thanks for the reply!!

  • this seems very late to be only just getting fruit setting on your tomato plants in Hanmer Springs? My fiancee was one of the last head gardeners at Queen Mary Hospital before it closed down and he just said that it seems very late. Perhaps growing the tomatoes out of the ground (ie in black PB40's) might help as perhaps the ground temperature is slowing them down? We have a thick layer of gravel in the bottom of our glasshouse (about 8 inches) to help with drainage etc and then just grow our plants in bags etc sitting on top of the gravel. Will try and post a picture of our glasshouse in the next couple of days to show you how our's is looking..... looke like you had a great selection of plants in the glasshouse though!!! Very impressed
  • Hester your GH looks amazing!! I have a small but productive GH.. I am thrilled how high my tomatoes are, and they are setting fruit - very early for our sub-alpine climate here in Hanmer Springs. This is my first year with a glasshouse so it is fun bringing things on much sooner than our outside garden.

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