Crop Guardians - sharing updates and queries

Hey folks,


This discussion is for anything related to crop guardians: someone who takes on the role of caretaking a particular vegetable or plant, learning about it, keeping an eye on when it should be planted, what it grows well with etc.


Go for gold and share info on your crop or ask for advice, or name a crop you'd like to be guardian or co-guardian of if you've got a favourite. 


Cheers, Lillian. 

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  • Current Guardian list:

    Jerusalem artichokes: Lillian

    Tomotoes: Lynsey, Bella

    Peas: Jamie

    Sunflowers, Butterbeans, Kamokami: Charles

    Beans (runner and dwarf): Sarah

    Chillies and Capsicum: Ben

  • Ok, I'll be sunflower, Kamokamo and butter bean guardians :)


    Ps-good work lillian!

  • Hey guys, 

    I won't be at the working bee, but just FYI today I planted Jerusalem Artichokes in the double dug bed (closest to the road) at the Orchard. 

    A few factoids:

    - Sow in early spring (after last frost risk)

    - They grow up to 2m tall with yellow, daisy-like blooms in summer, then the plants die down in autumn, ready for harvesting throughout winter.

    - We should be able to have them in this plot for at least 3 years, then we'll need to plant something else there to rotate the nutrient use thingy. 

    I'm also really looking forward to their flowers :)


  • Ok, I just saw in the minutes that someone else wants I'll take something else....I'll have a think.....


  • Sweet as :) 

    I'm Jerusalem Artichoke - to be planted in the double dug bed in the Orchard in a few weeks (after threat of possible frost!). Yum.

  • Awesome work Lillian!


     I'll be the runner bean guardian :) I might take more too...

  • I'll be the pea guardian.
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