Posted by Lyn Isaac on November 4, 2013 at 11:20am
I have a tamarillo tree that lost all it's leaves and the last 3cm of the shrunk is dead and brown. Before dropping the leaves got more yellow and yellow. Does anybody know what this is and how to fix it? Thanks
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HI Lyn, they lose their leaves if they get frosted, but by this time of year they should be growing more green leaves. sorry but id doesn't sound good for your tamarillo
No it doesn't does it?? It still had leaves after the last frost and heaps of aphids which I sprayed off with water. I was hoping they had got past the frost and it was something else :( thanks Kali.
If there is a reasonable piece which you can take off with a heel, they do grow from cuttings
HI Lyn, they lose their leaves if they get frosted, but by this time of year they should be growing more green leaves. sorry but id doesn't sound good for your tamarillo