Hi all, have just joined this site so hope I'm posting in the right place! I wondered if anyone had any Allium Ursinum (aka ramsons, wild garlic, boars garlic) seed or bulbs I could purchase or possibly swap for? Been looking for a while, I am located in Tauranga. Thanks heaps :-)
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It is very difficult to come by. In the end I got i via someone who had a friend in Germany who sent it. The first lot did not germinate, but I did not know you had to freeze the seed to break dormancy. However this current lot has not germinated either.
btw yes it is easy and legal to import seeds in case you are wondering
Thanks muggy for the reply. I think I just answered you twice oops, still getting the hang of this platform. I was told that wild garlic is almost a nuisance plant in some parts of NZ so thought I might be able to source locally. I do have friends in Germany so might look into importing, didn't know about the NZ regs but if its all straightforward then even better. the bulbs would no doubt be easier to cultivate then from seed? Thanks again :-)
bulbs would be easier, but you cannot import them, seeds only.
Whilst looking for the seeds I came across no reference to it being a pest, in fact 3 of us have been trying to grow it from seed with no success for 2 years.
interesting, I've been told it can be invasive here. Might try my luck with some seeds and see how I get on. Good luck with yours, maybe let us know how you get on.