Pick your own tomatoes or bulk sellers in Auckland?

Hi folks, Merry Christmas and happy New Year to you and your families!

I had around 100 heirloom tomatoes planted ready to supply me with a years worth of passata and tomato chutney - alas my babies were hit by blight and had to be pulled out - i only got 5 tiny tomatoes!! (Thanks to Auckland's rainy / strange weather) Question: does anyone know if there is a place in or around Auckland where your can pick your own tomatoes or where the public can buy tomatoes in bulk direct from the grower? If yes, I would really love to know!

This will be the first year I have been without tomatoes. The passata is the basis of most lunches and dinners...ekkkk!!!!!!

Cheers, Steph :-)

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  • Happy to spare some tomatoes for next years seed. Interested if you know why you were hit so bad? 

    • Hi Lisa,

      Thank you for the offer of seeds. I think i will be ok for next year as have some good seed from Organix and Koanga. I suspect it could be one of two things that caused my blight: over watering followed by a couple of days of heavy rain and / or the three tomato plants i purchased from an unknown supplier. I usually raise from seeds but was a bit late this year - lesson learned, i will be smarter next year! :-)

  • Apparently there is a place on Pukaki rd in Mangere??

    • Hi Sandi, sounds like one of the old market gardens - i will take a drive before the end of Christmas hols. There was a home grower at the Pukekohe markets this year who sold his seconds in buckets..fingers crossed he reappears...a year without tomatoes would be unthinkable! cheers, steph

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