Social Media -- some AMAZING promotional tools

Social media is the new way of marketing through the internet. Here are some reflections on using these tools. Basic guidelines -- 1) with wherever you're posting, post real, high quality content. 2) anywhere you get blog mention, send me a link and I'll add it to our media page

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  • Facebook

    Some people love it, some people hate it...but overall, its a fantastic way to reach people -- especially if the people in your "friends" are actually people you know, or that you've at least met....then they'll probably read you posts. I've been using my usual FB identity to promote Sharing Backyards, rather than creating a sharing backyards identity. I will probably create this later too. I've also been promoting the overall site rather than one area, as we have links right on the main page for people to find their areas. This will also help those in areas with no program get one started -- and more programs helps all of our existing ones.

    FB tips for promoting Sharing Backyards:

    1) Join "Sharing Backyards" on the "causes" application, then stay active with the action centre -- invite friends, and thank them when they sign up -- also suggest to them to invite friends and help us with the local food revolution -- or whatever way you'd like to word it, depending on who they are. Follow the link here, or search for Sharing Backyards in Causes.

    I'd prefer if on causes we stick to having a cause solely for Sharing Backyards for now, until we reach about 5000 members, then start creating smaller groups. I'll make notice here when it's close.

    2) Use your status to a) promote, b)promote your own local link for your program, C) extoll the awesomeness of yardsharing (and then promote the links) d) suggest that friends donate their status once a week to Sharing Backyards -- I just started doing this last week and 5 friends have done it -- meaning that we're reaching their networks too. d) report on whatever you're working on, e) recruit volunteers for your local program, or find allies (ie local blogs, media, friends of friends.....the sky's the limit)

    3) Start a FB group for your local program

    Post your own findings too.......
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