We are moving and I have a lot of stuff to get rid of
this is just a selection
loads of plant pots
a couple of pairs of secateurs
hand axe
polystyrene boxes - great for planting seeds or other uses.
I think there is a spare pruning saw as well
tree loppers, though the blade has a chunk out of it, but they still work.
I also have a tray of asparagus seedling to give away and a few other plants.
there is also other stuff as I sort through it
ideally I would like the lot to go at once, and if you like you can offer what you don't want to other chch members.
We are out near Birdlings Flat.
it would be better for them to be collected 1. my car is tiny, 2 whoever is picking them up will no doubt see other stuff that I have forgetten about to add to the collection.
I have just seen a wheel barrow I don't need and there are some plants in pots.
We have a 10 acre lifestyle block, hence where there is so much stuff.
I can come out on Thursday during school hours and take as much as poss. And then stuff is here i Christchurch if others want to come pick it up.
Hi moggy, was that me you're referring to when you said you'd found a home? just checking as it doesn't suit me to come out until mid next week.
Hi Moggy,
I'd be keen for these things. Don't need all of them but sure I could find a good home for things of this order. When do they need picking up by? and do you come into christchurch at all? my numbers are 377 8930 or 022 0267 981
Thank you :)