firewood and rabbits

Hi, I'm new to ooooby. I'm in the process of converting our garden to mainly edibles. I hope it all goes well, at the moment it looks a bit like a disaster zone. Anyway, as I'm removing a lot of the original plants I have some free firewood on offer (still needs chopping and drying) and potentially some ornamental shrubs, if they can be dug up alive. There are also still a few surplus feijoas. On the 'wanted' side of things, my partner and I are still looking for somewhere local to shoot the odd rabbit for the pot. We both have firearms licenses and are I believe pretty responsible people and if you only have a small block we can get the airgun out.

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  • Hello Hanna


    We have just had our defunt firebox replaced and its so nice to have a warm house, and we would be interested in your firewood offer. Also love fejoas. Being new to christchurch and in the city, not much use on the bunnies sorry, but do know some chestnut trees which hopefully still have nuts.



    • Hi Sophie

      Sounds good, I'm new to this social networking thing, so not sure how to exchange contact details. Anyway, I've got three medium sized trunk segments and bits and pieces now and probably more after the weekend. The wood will need some further chopping up.

    • The general online rule (to preserve you privacy and personal info) is do not post your address publically. You can send a private message to the person via this forum or just post your email address and let them contact you.


  • hey you found the place at last! welcome. Shrubs we will always find a home for. Firewood, no we have several generations worth.

    We still have a renegade chicken or two that needs shooting.

    I can vouch for their accuracy in shooting.

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