The Bin Inn in Lincoln road has just started stocking a reasonable range of cheese making supplies including kits and also a variety of cheese moulds.
they are from
with the price of gourmet cheeses in NZ being so high it might be worth checking them out. I have made cheese before but only from our own un pasteurised unhomogenised goats milk. It is not as difficult as you might think. I wish I could find a buck to borrow to get our ladies back into milk for next year but my previous supplier has gone unfortunately.
Should we start getting good milk first? preferably raw.
Unless you have a neighbour who can supply you (you are allowed to supply up to 5 litres a day of unpasteurised milk as farm gate sales), then you will not find unpasteurised milk in NZ it is illegal. I haven't found unhomongenised milk for sale, but doing a quick google Meadowfresh sells Farmhouse milk, which is unpasteurised though I do not know where to buy it from in chch.
Milk being pasteurised should not be a problem as most recipes raise the temperature of the milk to levels similar to those used to pasteurise. Also raw milk unless frozen does not last very long at all even in the fridge. And freezing the milk will also slightly change it. So I would say, just find out where to buy the meadowfresh farmhouse stuff.