Hi Waihi OOOOBY community. I attended a meeting of the Tauranga Ooooby group a few months ago when they had a greenswap in Katikati. It works like this... you bring along anything in the way of gardening and garden produce such as seeds, seedlings, plants, horticulture type magazines, books, fruit, veges, nuts and what have you. The articles are all placed so everyone can see them, then each 'bringer' (new word) has a brief explanation of what they have bought and then everyone helps themselves to what is there. It is not a direct swap, it is actually a share. It was great and I met lots of new people. Is anyone interested in doing a greenswap here in Waihi. I am happy to organise it if there are enough interested people. Its a good time to start something like this with the growing season looming. I could bring some pepino cuttings, some yakon nodules and other things. We could call it Waihi Ooooby Green Share. Any takers? Regards Katherine
oh, the teenage drama is only a broken heart!! only...? my oldest who's 16 has been dumped by long time boyfriend....learning to cope, concentrate on school work and move on, it isnt much compared to some folks teenage dramas!!!! and by the way, that word 'boss' isnt a piece of vocabulary that i use- its been thrown out with that other b word- bored hehe -probably the best way to get the right time for the shindig is to post everyone which would be the best time for them,i'll see wot i can do with Katherine??- yes weekends sound ok, at the moment i'm a football mother-that takes up most of saturday, having to go to Te Puke this sat.,but this is the second from last game, then i think my youngest kids will be going to their fathers on sunday but not sure.I will have to let you know when its not so hectic around here....(dont wanna post address on here??)Do you play music fridays??
Hi Graham, I will pop around to your place with some spearmint plants this morning. If you're home I take some of those spare potatoes. Regards Katherine
Yer dunno what the Bullie are up to with their music jamming etc, to many Aucklanders running the show haha. Kava would be a nice atmosphere for acoustic club
Hey Graham 8~) I wrote an e-mail to Katherine suggesting the informal gathering bring a plate thingy, she thinks it could be possible, ive been thinking what kind of time/day would be best for folks?? I seem to be busy with teenage dramas at home at the moment!!
Hey dude, thx for the invite, we talked briefly at an acoustic jam at the Bullie a while back, I borrowed your friends Cort Guitar as mine unexpectedly died that night!
Hey Graham, just thought that you might not remember my name or recognise me as i dont usually look this wise hehe but we discussed something about babysitting?
Sorry I have been a while replying. If you still have Jerusalem artichokes I would like some. I can offer citrus in exchange - Clementine mandarines, limes, lemons or windfall oranges. The oranges are not really ripe but they are usable for juice or in cooking. I make pumpkin and orange soup, which is nice. Are you coming to the sustainable food group meeting at my place on the 25th? If so we could do a trade then.
Hi Waihi OOOOBY community. I attended a meeting of the Tauranga Ooooby group a few months ago when they had a greenswap in Katikati. It works like this... you bring along anything in the way of gardening and garden produce such as seeds, seedlings, plants, horticulture type magazines, books, fruit, veges, nuts and what have you. The articles are all placed so everyone can see them, then each 'bringer' (new word) has a brief explanation of what they have bought and then everyone helps themselves to what is there. It is not a direct swap, it is actually a share. It was great and I met lots of new people. Is anyone interested in doing a greenswap here in Waihi. I am happy to organise it if there are enough interested people. Its a good time to start something like this with the growing season looming. I could bring some pepino cuttings, some yakon nodules and other things. We could call it Waihi Ooooby Green Share. Any takers? Regards Katherine