August 28
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I can offer
Gardening advice, to be a gardening buddy, Food from my garden, Preserving
Food Growing Skill Level
Experience and Qualifications
Lots of years in the garden
I am interested in...
Buying Local Food, Bartering Local Food, Learning, Preserving, Helping Others, Seed Savers
Tell us about your garden and what you're growing
We began our food forest in december 2008 with peach, plum, nectarine, apple, persimmon, cherry, orange, lemon and fejoa trees and an existing old grape vine Next came our raised vegetable beds with a large variety including; broccoli, cauli, brussels sprouts, beans, cabbage, kale, peanuts, lettuce, tomato, beetroot, onion, leeks, capsicum, aubergine, potato, kumara, swiss chard, silverbeet, carrots, pumpkins, corn, asparagus, celery, radish, purslane, kohl rabi, sorrel, spinach, swedes, turnips, peas, mesculun, melons, zucchini/marrow,strawberry spinach etc we have herbs waiting in temporary garden space for their new home (currently planning and digging a formal traditional circular herb garden): angelica, bay, oregano, majorum, sages, soapwort, mint, anise hyssop, thyme, chamomile, ladies mantle, borage, comfrey, lemon balm, bergamont, and more berries also awaiting a patch of their own: cape gooseberry, raspberry, blackcurrant, loganberry, with well-establish wild blackberries (we live in the country) The pig is contained away from the garden, but we do occasionally have to share our spoils with the free range hens in our lives.