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Some very large and exuberant indoor maidenhair ferns. OK, they're not in the food chain, but they're very happy and I love them to bits.

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  • Hi

    You werent here for a while

    I made a new group in oooby, working bees, please join



  • Hi Murray, Have you forgotten us??
  • Hi Murray, Whats your favourite childhood memorie in the garden? or your favourite plant? What grow best for you this year?
  • Hi Murry, I found out today that asparigus ferns are now listed as a weed, so I guess they grow to well. A thought about your trips away if you leave your plants in the bath with alittle water they will do realy well when you go away! Also african violets would do well as they are always watered from the bottom off the plants if water touches the leaves they will srevel at best but probably die, just put then in a dish that catches the water and feed lush liquid fertilizer in the bowl just before going away and it will probably flower for you when you get back. Flowers in the house always shows a home that cares. But remember if you do get an africa violet that it dosn't like being in direct sunlight,no bright windows etc...
  • My wife Eleena is an organic gardener, she's forgotten more than I've ever learned and calls me a total beginner (and I thought I knew something).
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