October 11
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I can offer
to be a gardening buddy
Food Growing Skill Level
Experience and Qualifications
Permaculture Experience
I am interested in...
Learning, Preserving, Helping Others, Seed Savers
Tell us about your garden and what you're growing
I have always been a keen gardener but until recently had always stuck to landscaping and flowers. Recently I moved onto a lifestyle property which gave me the space for wonderful vege gardens & after a slow start & very poor initial results, I was lucky enough to be invited along to a compost making day at a friends. Since then my garden has never looked back, I am also about to complete an Agriculture Course run by PGG Wrightson which has been totally amazing, you meet so many great people interested in eating healthy. Were in the process of putting in a home orchard with a bit of everything, I'm a greedy gardener, so have put in a mixed orchard.... peaches, plums, apricot, apples, pears, nectarines, cherries, fejoas, a variety of mixed edible berries. With advice from friends, neighbours & skills learnt on AGG course we now have a vege garden producing lovely veges..... geeee, I'm feeling a bit mother earth-ish now. I'm hooked, converted, obsessed..... no more side dressings of pesticides on our dinner plates thank you!.