



South Canterbury


December 13



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  • Hey roosh, I didn't get an email from you - nan said you emailed saying what you guys want to do when you're up here. Give me a call during the week, or check with nan what my email address is. Can you also get your dad to send through your flight details? ta, see you on Friday. x
  • Hello Rooshie, today we had our first courgette of the season. I have started to freeze strawberries so that I can make some jam. I ate a couple of purple beans too, straight from the plant. Wayne is outside at the moment building a mesh roof for the strawberry garden because today I found some berries that had been nibbled by birds.

    We have started to compile a list of fun things for you and Taila to do when you come up, it includes exciting activities like painting the fence and cleaning the windows.
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