

Medford, NJ


March 7


Medford Lakes

I am a...

Home Farmer

I can offer

Gardening & yard labour, Gardening advice

Food Growing Skill Level


Experience and Qualifications

Permaculture Diploma, Horticulturalist, Lots of years in the garden

I am interested in...

Buying Local Food, Community Gardens, Preserving, Seed Savers, Offering Land for Gardeners, Gardening on others Land

Tell us about your garden and what you're growing

My garden is immaculate, I have been in it for the past 8 years of my life. I have learned so much from my father who is a genius horticulturalist.

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  • Hi rager4me, welcome. Must be wonderful having the same garden for 8 years!

    I have had mine for 5 years but will be moving soon :) I am moving onto my own land tho, so I hope to see a decade in my next garden. 

    Is it autumn where you are? what edibles are in your garden at this time of the year?

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