Garden Tours etc

hi gardeners. looks like I'm organising the Aro Fair this year, and I hear you would like to have an activity around the Kai o Te Aro gardens as part of the Fair. excellent. we'll be in touch soon about that.


I'm looking at organising a range of fun free activities in Aro Valley through January. maybe something each weekend for a few weeks in a row. it would be really great to have a gardening focus day. would you like to think about what would be suitable? garden tours/open days; workshops; market day; working bee; let me know what you'd like. I'll be advertising the events widely around the valley, and hopefully lots of locals will take the chance to see and try our existing local activities, as well as join in on a range of one-day fun activities.


think creatively! I'm applying for funding for the above events, so keep in touch about any likely costs; plus any suggestions.


Martin Wilson

aro (at)



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  • the Aro Fair date gets close, Sat 24 March. I am mapping out 7 weeks of activities (I hope many of them happen!) starting last weekend in February. I've got markets with specific themes on many weekends; and a garden focus weekend for 17 (or 18) March (garden tours, weeding working bee, community gardens tour/working bee), and produce exchange at the markets for three weeks from then. I would promote these activities to the community. can I have some advice on what actually suits you gardeners? do you have a regular day every month? how would you like the community to join in with Kai o Te Aro during this period?

    ps Charles (or anyone) if I had your email I could send you the draft program. my email is available on my events website


    Hi Martin,


    yes I spoke to Linda about this the other day. We discussed overlapping our harvest party with the fair - I'm def keen to talk more about this. We could perhaps also have our usual sunday working bees as part of the january programme. To talk more about this give me a call on 0274 30 1906.

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