Bees in Auckland city

I have only seen an odd bee here and there since I've come to live in Blockhouse Bay - and yet there are plenty of nectar flowers in my garden (now).

Does anyone keep bees in Auckland city? Where might the nearest beehive be? Is anyone interested in having beehives nearby - I'd be keen to talk to some people about putting hives on their property. Perhaps there are hives at Mt Albert Grammar or Plant & Food Research, but that sounds like a long way away.

We used to have them on my ten acres in the Hunuas and they were never a problem, the beekeepers came out regularly and tended their hives (Happy Bee, Manurewa). I realise the city is slightly different :) but don't know how far they fly out from the hive...

There are some reserves nearby and also large facilities that perhaps would host a hive or two...

Would it be feasible? Is anyone interested?

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  • Hi Jacqui




    • Thanks Angie.


      Had fun at the market on Friday. It's a treasure trove.



  • Hi Jacqui, l have the same post code as you andalso suffer from a lack of bees consequently my fruit trees don't set as well as could be expected. l have looked into having a hive at my place but the cons outweigh the pros. 3kms is about the area of flight l believe. Maybe we could look at something together. Cheers,
    • Hi Jenny


      Sounds good... I have a few ideas already. :) If you want to ring me, my number is 551 3383. After Christmas would suit me best.


      Have a great Christmas, Jenny.

  • I have a top bar hive near the Mt Albert shops, and there are several at the Unitec where the bee club meets.

  • I back onto Oakley creek reserve and was planning on getting some bees as soon as I get a TB hive set up and good to go.


  • Hi, Kerry Mccurdy has a company in auckland which either sells, leases or manages hives, here is his website.



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