Christchurch-west Permaculture group starting up

Hello all;

I'm starting up a sub-group: a Christchurch-west Permaculture group, for people & projects on the west-side of Christchurch.  We can meet at the Okeover Community Gardens, on the Canterbury University Grounds. 

For me, such a group closer to where I live and work is better, so I can bicycle or walk to our meetings and projects ... but I hope for more projects than meetings!  (More do, and less talk!)

We can help with each other's own garden projects, have potluck meals, watch encouraging and educational videos, etc. 

Expressions of interest?  Post here, or message me directly.


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  • I live in Casebrook. I suppose this is north-west rather than really west but I couldn't see a northwest subgroup! I am a stay-at-home mother with two preschoolers, so probably can't get out and about to meetings much. I only just joined this site and don't have much growing in my small urban garden, but I love the idea of permaculture, am just reading some books on it at the moment. I'd love to grow more and get chickens and have a more diverse and productive garden.
    • Hi Katie, I am in Casebrook too and interested in permaculture too.  We just got two chickens and are trying to get our garden productive (our first summer here) as much as we can on our tiny section.  I have 6 children - only one preschooler now :)

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