Free adobe building workshop & seminar - Sun 8 May, Tue 10 May - Christchurch

Please forward this to other people in your networks too.

It's planned to be on this Sunday daytime (hands-on workshop), and Tuesday evening (seminar with a slideshow). (Sunday 8 May, Tuesday 10 May.)

Feel free to inform others about this, esp those who may want to rebuild (temporarily or permanently) with this technique.

And please inform me or post on the Wall of the Facebook page (the link is above) if you can help with providing the necessary materials (clay, sand, newspapers, cement, drill bit for mixing paint & a drill, buckets, sturdy 20L paint buckets).

He (Philip) is putting it on free for us here in Chchch, so we need to provide the materials for the workshop, if we want it to be a practical workshop.

Bring gloves, gumboots, and notebooks.

Bring lunch, and afternoon tea; food to share with everyone (potluck style) is good.

Is on rain or shine; it's likely to be shining tomorrow; we have an indoor area that we can use if it's wet or cold outside.

This is a great opportunity for us to learn about thissimple and effective building technique. Very opportune for us here in Christchurch now.


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