Free local food?
Okay, guys, here's a possible discussion - somewhere along the way I watched a TV programme (based in the UK) that features groups of people who went out into their local areas to take advantage of fruit and vegetables that were growing wild, and were therefore free - things like black berries in hedgerows and apple trees on common land etc. Do you think there's anything like this in the Dunedin area that we could take advantage of? I do remember picking blackberries by the bus stop on…
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We want to set up an organic permaculture market garden and community workshops in Taieri Mouth. Has anyone done something like this? Any ideas for a startup grant? Or at least one for some equipment/shed/tunnel house?
Good morning. If anyone is interested I have a 10 x 2.75 Mtr polytunnel less than a year old for sale cost 3K moving so has to go it has two roof vents and a sliding door at each end and a shelf unning the whole length which is removable. Buyer to dismantle and take away
Make me an offer email or phone 0277508093
Hi all. Do you want a voice. Then join me 'In The Garden' Fridays 1-2 on Otago Access Radio 105.4FM
Do you want to talk about your garden or garden related topics and I mean anything garden related. Or maybe you know someone who should be heard. If you have any events you want mentioning let me know. email me or join me on facebook shaun inthegarden.
This is a fantastic communty access radio staion and its yours so use it.
Hi Saun, not sure where to respond to your general email to us all. I am in the processes of making a fb page for cheesemaking and a friend of mine described a source of milk down port way. Have a look of You can get limited quantites at the farmers market from Evansdale Cheese peeps.
Hi Sarah. Sorry I was doing me emails early in the morning and my funny bone was not awake.
Hi Sarah. When you say underwater garden tips. Do you mean edible or ornamental?
Hi Jon. This is something I had already planned. We will cover all aspects of gardening sciences including permaculture, community gardens, organics, raised bed, no dig, gardening with the moon, bio dynamics, sustainable gardening and hydroponics. All this as well as conventional gardening. This is a show for everybody. We will be having a question and answer section as well, so any questions would be appreciated before the start date of the 31 August. Please email Let’s all get ‘In The Garden’ on Otago Access Radio 105.4 FM starting 31August 1-2pm
Thank you Sara... that just made my day....
Hey Shaun, How about some basics on urban Permaculture gardening.