
I have tried growing this many times without sucess, the seeds just don't germinate, or it they do they get to a couple of centimetres and then die. Soom wwoofers got a bit enthusiastic in the seeds they were planting and now I have 50 or so seedlings growing happily in pots in the tunnel house. Problem is they can't stay there, there is no soil to plant them into in there, it is all hydroponics and it is set up for lettuce and greens growing.

Is it too late to put them outside? and erm how do you grow them? I have never got to this stage before.

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  • I didn't get much further than you when I tried, but my understanding is that okra is a heat loving crop, so I don't know whether they would overwinter at your place outdoors.
    • well I could plant them in a large box iunder the benches in the tunnel house, just have to remember to water them
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