Blight or Sunburnt Tomatoes Leaves

I have cherry tomatoes growing in a raised bed in my courtyard up against the house. It is a very warm spot, which I thought was a good place for the tomatoes. Now I am noticing dark spot patches some of the tomato leaves. At first I thought it was sunburn, now I am not too sure. If it is blight what do I do about it?


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  • Nothing really seems to match that is the problem. From what I have read it is unlikely to be early blight, if I have remembered correctly mainly because tomatoes haven't been grown in this soil before. I guess if I spray with cooper at least whatever it is will not get any worse. A lot of the lower leaves are affected but it is climbing up the bush.
  • It could be just sun scald tho' apparently that causes light brown papery patches on the leaves. In which caes a bit of shade cloth would help too.
    Late Blight causes large brown patches on leaves and stems. Early Blight is smallish brown well-defined spots on leaves.
    I might have been a bit hasty in saying late blight-check your symptoms.

    The witholding period for copper oxychloride is 1 day.

    Yvonne Symons said:
    That sounds like a plan thank you Hester. After the spraying with cooper do I need to withhold watering for a couple of days? hmm the plants are far too close together, that is another thing learnt.
  • That sounds like a plan thank you Hester. After the spraying with cooper do I need to withhold watering for a couple of days? hmm the plants are far too close together, that is another thing learnt.
  • It could be blight, in which case copper spray is recommended. Space plants so they don't touch and keep water off the leaves when you are watering. Wet summers are the worst for Tomato Blight. I would cut off affected leaves. Burn them or put in a sealed bag in the rubbish.
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