Buying garlic and shallot bulbs

I want to buy some garlic and shallot bulbs to plant this winter. Does anyone know where I can get them as I can't find much on line. I would love some banana shallots, but not sure if they are in NZ? Sam

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  • you can place an order at your local garden centre, and they will let you know when shallots (and garlic) come in, probably not just yet. Or probably cheaper to buy some at a store (for armers market), preferably organic. They don't need to be special 'seed' garlic or shallots, just not from overseas beacuse they might have been treated witha growth retardant.
  • In the past, I've bought shallots from Canterberries you could give them a call or email to see if they have any in stock. If you've got the patience, can offer unknown varieties of garlic bulbils  PM your address and I'll get them in the post to you.  Like Richard, I started with garlic from a local farmers market, supplemented with locally garlic grown from friends' gardens.
  • Check out Koanga Gardens - they have some heritage varieties available.


    They are on backorder at the moment - I've just ordered a bunch to put in, can't wait till they arrive!!!

  • I've been buying my planting garlic from my local farmers market - there's usually at least one stall selling garlic at most markets. Shallots could be a bit harder though. Koanga gardens have them on their website but they are are sold out for the year :-(
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