Capsicum's not developing fruit

HI, I've got a capsicum plant in a pot (heaps of room, in a sunny place and watered frequently) and it is flowering with lots of buds, but after a flower is finished, it simply falls off instead of fruiting. Has anyone else experienced this? I've got another plant, but a different variety which has just started flowering so it will be interesting to see if it does the same thing. But in the mean time, I'd be nice to know if I'm doing something wrong!

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  • Just to update, I put down some hay (along with my usual watering them every day) and this has made the world of difference. Two large capsicums coming a long, and lots of baby ones :)
  • Thanks Megan, thats really helpful! There seems to be a couple of tiny fruits still attached, so will see how they go, and give them a bit care.
  • Hello Geraldine, I have a couple of chili plants growing indoors and have noticed a direct correlation between watering and blossom drop. They like to be regularly watered but not waterlogged and must never dry out between watering, a fine balance I know. Make sure that there aren't any draughts or too much sun and inadequate ventilation. All the blossoms that have dropped have been pollinated, I can see the tiny fruit if I pull out the withered petals.
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