celery seeds for pickling

Where can I buy celery seeds from for pickling? you can get celery salt in the shops but not seeds. Only other alternative would be celery seeds from seeds - but that is for growing the stuff. Can you subsitute the seeds for fresh produce?

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  • Hi Ellen, After searching hi and low, I found some in Bin Inn in the Mount. Would that be good quality seeds?
  • Hi. I was going to advise you to go the the Indian spice shops but i guess that'll be hard in Opotiki! Their cost is negligible, if you want to post your address, I can send you a handful. You definitely do not want to eat the stuff you buy in packets, the inorganic ones are treated and the organic ones cost you an arm and a leg. In Indian shops the kg may be between $12-15, that should be $2 for a large handful or more. cheers, Ellen
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