Hi, on a Tuesday and Friday at the http://www.wesleycentre.org.nz/wawcs0150336/market_day_&_events...there is often people selling chokos and they are starting to Sprout.
These can become weeds so be careful introducing them to your garden, we had one that covered a 100sqm area! Every fruit that dropped to the ground became a new plant.
You can just plant a choko fruit (if you can find one). If no one nearer to you is able to give you a plant. I have a few sprouting chokos and am happy to send you one.
These can become weeds so be careful introducing them to your garden, we had one that covered a 100sqm area! Every fruit that dropped to the ground became a new plant.
I'm also interested in a sprouting choko, if you could spare another, please email me re payment, postage etc tinabooth@ihug.co.nz
Email me on
and we can discuss payment and address