Any recommendations for what variety of courgettes to grow in Auckland? I'm keen for ones that have more of a bushy rather than creeping habit if possible as we've got limited space.
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I am growing costata romanesco from kings for the 2nd year, they are pretty big, bushy plants and the courgettes themselves are really fat, but with lovely flavour. I like the way they look when sliced as they have ridges so they look like stars. Depending on how much you like zucchini, I would say up to a plant each you couldn't go wrong, perhaps stagger them so some come later. you can always turn any surplus into delicious sweet zucchini pickle.
Thanks! I planted some Koanga Garden courgette seeds but only one sprouted so I'll be looking for seedlings next and will definitely get at least one yellow. I like the idea of getting a range of different ones anyway.
Next question would be how many plants for a household of four adults, to keep us well stocked?
Regan Pryor said:
I like the golden or yellow ones personally for flavour. You can go vertical with Zuchinis. Put them up a pole as they spread - I have had success with this.
I like the golden or yellow ones personally for flavour. You can go vertical with Zuchinis. Put them up a pole as they spread - I have had success with this.
Next question would be how many plants for a household of four adults, to keep us well stocked?
Regan Pryor said: