
  • It is also very easy to make your own Bokashi Buckets-visit the Bokashi group and check my blog for more info on this.

    Lorraine Barnett said:
    Bokashi... I don't know much about this myself, however the lovely lady I garden with has been supplying the soil with bokashi before the fruiting season and they are fruiting really well. You can buy bokashi kits at Farmers Markets also Waitakere New Energy Fare.
    I also use a seaweed solution, can't remember at this time of night the name though sorry! Will advise tomorrow. It's good for all vegetable plants, flowering plants and fruiting plants!
  • Bokashi... I don't know much about this myself, however the lovely lady I garden with has been supplying the soil with bokashi before the fruiting season and they are fruiting really well. You can buy bokashi kits at Farmers Markets also Waitakere New Energy Fare.
    I also use a seaweed solution, can't remember at this time of night the name though sorry! Will advise tomorrow. It's good for all vegetable plants, flowering plants and fruiting plants!
  • Yes - I read that too - casurina are the best then pine - I collected pine from beside the road then thought of the heavy metals, and ditched them, and went into the forest to collect better ones!

    Katherine Lucas said:
    Hi there. It was recommended to me by an organic strawberry grower to mulch strawberries with pine needles. K
  • Hi there. It was recommended to me by an organic strawberry grower to mulch strawberries with pine needles. K
  • Many thanks
    I had read wood ash was good but had no experience of same
    I will try your recommendations

    Hester Robson said:
    Blood and Bone, Sheep Pellets, Liquid seaweed would all be suitable. Sprinkle about a dessertspoonful of blood and bone around the base of each plant and water it in. Blood and Bone can be applied as needed. Be careful not to get it on the leaves and stem as it will burn. Use about a teaspoon full of sheep pellets around each plant. You can leave it on top of the soil and it will break down gradually and feed the plant. One application lasts quite a while. Water with liquid seaweed mix or comfrey once a week when the plants are fruiting.
  • Blood and Bone, Sheep Pellets, Liquid seaweed would all be suitable. Sprinkle about a dessertspoonful of blood and bone around the base of each plant and water it in. Blood and Bone can be applied as needed. Be careful not to get it on the leaves and stem as it will burn. Use about a teaspoon full of sheep pellets around each plant. You can leave it on top of the soil and it will break down gradually and feed the plant. One application lasts quite a while. Water with liquid seaweed mix or comfrey once a week when the plants are fruiting.
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