Mixing and matching growing methods..

Hi. I've been reading a lot lately about no-dig and no-till gardening methods. I've been suggested by a very friendly person in another post to check out lasagna gardening, so I will. But I'm also curious about square-foot gardening. Is it possible to combine the two, or do you absolutely have to follow the book for square-foot gardening to work its best?

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  • Thanks everyone for your helpful response! I'll try to get to it once I get some supplies and the rain goes away... we've had like 2 straight weeks of storms now...
  • Hi

    I Pretty much done this ...I use the sfg method for the planting and spacings ...But have used layering for the soil structure...However my raised borders are 8 inches rather than 6 ...This gives me a little more ability to do the no-dig/layer build for the soil structure ...I actually think this is preferable to the sfg method ...I need less watering...I also think there is less leaching of the soil so the nutrients are where you want them for longer.......We certainly had some bumper crops ...Even tomatoes .......

    Have fun trying it O)
  • I used to follow the earIy guidelines for squarefoot gardening. Over the years I've adapted the system to suit myself. The main elements of squarefoot gardening that I still use are the layout and spacing. I don't always follow the spacing exactly if it doesn't suit me but I do space my plants fairly closely and interplant different varieties. I garden directly in the soil in my garden and feed it with mulch and compost. I agree with Mel-there are many ways to garden and if you experiment you will find what works for you. I think the most important thing is to look after your soil. In my experience healthy soil makes for healthy plants.
  • Cool. Nice to know that I can mix and match - I like being creative like that. Thanks for your feedback :)

    Mel said:
    I follow a loose combo, I have a raised garden and plant out loosely following the SFG guidelines with spacing, rotation, growing upwards etc but I havent marked it all out like they say to or made up the garden beds following their soil mix, my gardens also bigger then they suggest to suit my area. I also follow a few other ideas from other gardens, I think gardening is about taking bits and bobs from different ideas for what suits you time, effort, area, situation and goal wise. IMO your more likely to stick to something if it suits you and no one 'concept' is truely onesize fits all. So my long winded reply is no you dont have to follow it strictly.
  • I follow a loose combo, I have a raised garden and plant out loosely following the SFG guidelines with spacing, rotation, growing upwards etc but I havent marked it all out like they say to or made up the garden beds following their soil mix, my gardens also bigger then they suggest to suit my area. I also follow a few other ideas from other gardens, I think gardening is about taking bits and bobs from different ideas for what suits you time, effort, area, situation and goal wise. IMO your more likely to stick to something if it suits you and no one 'concept' is truely onesize fits all. So my long winded reply is no you dont have to follow it strictly.
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