Ok, I have decided to try again with a garden bed that is filled with Oxalis. I have tried digging out the soil and filling with fresh compost a couple of times over the last few years but it comes back with a vengeance after periods of neglect. My main vege garden is raised no dig, but I want to work again with this garden because all the vege space is accounted for and I have some pumpkin/squash seedlings (self seeded through my compost), and more watermelon seedlings that I know what to do with. What would other gardeners do with the space? would you dig it out, line it and make a raised bed? Or just weed to the best of your ability and plant something hardy and let them battle it out? The area gets late morning and afternoon sun but the soil seems to be a bit more on the moist side. It's 1x2m and sits against a brick wall. A quince sapling and a cape gooseberry shrub are surviving there currently. Any thoughts?
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