Our pear tree has shot up! It's a Beurre
Rose from Koanga and was planted this year. It has put out one lateral about 1.5m up and a few
smaller growths lower down. We're not sure what to do with this now to
prune and shape and would love some ideas. Does anyone have any good ones? Would
this be a good tree to espalier? We want to contain the tree at a
reasonable level to pick fruit without ladders etc.
Good idea about with wanting to espalier that pea, its a good age to start it,if you bang in a couple of deer posts parallel to where your strongest winds come from, 2m each side,three wires should be enough.Take the top out to the height you want,this will promote the growth of side branches,then remove all but 6 of the strongest so as to train three along each side wire.
The best thing about growing on espalier is its a lot easier to net them for birds.
The best thing about growing on espalier is its a lot easier to net them for birds.