rotting artichokes

Hi all.  my globe artichoke leaves are rotting on my  well established plants.  any ideas why?

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  • Can you describe the rot? just browning off or fuzzy grey mould etc. My artichokes are well up again now after having disappeared earlier in the winter, so I would have expected auckland to have been well ahead of here.
    • Hi Isabell. They are going brown and rotting at the lower end of the stalk. i think i may have to transplant them or mulch around the bottom of the plant with straw, hmmmm. we are having heaps of rain in Akl;(
    • They are going brown and rotting at the lower end of the stalk

      That doesn't sound good,i dont think the mulch will help in fact i recon it will make it worse.

      What about cutting off a section and grow in a pot somewhere out of all the wet weather, then wait and see if the main plant dies or not,at least you'll have a plant to replace it if it does
  • Hi Karen, they do die down for the winter so it should come back in a few more weeks.....i hope
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