Society garlic

Has anyone else used the pretty mauve flowers of the Tulbagia (society garlic) in an edible capacity? I used it on a salmon gravlax a few weeks ago and it was lovely.


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  • ooh yes ours never get too seed we always gobble them up, along with every other edible flower in the garden, rocket flowers, borage, broccoli, all sorts.
  • can't say I have come accross it, but doing a search on the net it seems quite common. It does look very pretty I have to say. (btw if it is gravadlax, where is the dill?)
    • Moggy, not being a big dill fan (though coming around a bit!) that was the best part about the recipe.There was none.It was actually called Citrus vodka cured salmon so not strictly gravlax. I used that word loosely I'm sorry.
    • sorry didn't meant to be too pedantic , it just one of those classic combinations.


      I love dill and grow a lot of it, I had never tasted it till I lived in  Poland and there it goes in many dishes

  • I havn't tried them but thought you might be interested in the group edible flowers. I enjoy using chive flowersin salads etc.
    • Thanks Isabell I will check that out.


  • Forgot to mention that the recipe for the Salmon gravlax cured with Mandarin Vodka is in the April edition of Taste magazine. I had to test the recipe and it was fantastic! I'm sure other similar booze could be used instead of the Mandarin vodka. I drizzled it with citrus infused  oil as well to enhance the flavour.
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