Hi I am interested in growing cherries without having to graft them, ie growing them from pips, and wondered if anyone knows of any surviving varieties which self fertilise? Ie the cherry tree once blossoming pollinates and fertilises itself without needing another blossoming cherry tree to pollinate and fertilise? I dislike grafting.
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hello Anna, I hope that you're very patient as you may need to wait for up to 5 years for your trees to fruit when grown from pips & seeds. I've got dozens of seville orange, lemons, apple, apricot & plum tree seedlings that I'm going to practice budding onto so that they fruit sooner. If you have friends growing Stella or Lapins, they are both self fertile. Good luck. Keep us posted on your progress.
HI Megan,
Thanks for taking the time to reply. Yes I am very patient, but i will not be around probably
to see the fruit grow as I am renting - and plan to travel overseas within next 3 years...
But thankyou for posting the Stella and Lapins varieties, that is good to know. I will probably
give away these cherries if they grow within this time frame. Trouble is, I have no idea which sort
of cherries these are. But I am very heartened to hear that you believe some varieties can be grown
without grafting, and are self fertilising, with time and patience, that is the message I was wanting
to hear :)