Where can we source asparagus crowns, with reasonable shipping to Taranaki? Preferably organic.
Are there any varieties suited to our rainforest climate? (400m up, a bit cooler than the coast). Our soil is acidic and very free draining (volcanic ash).
Did you get my PM i sent you Richard about that ive got heaps of Pacific Purple asparagus seed if you want some,in fact if anyone wants some,send me a PM
Yes, I replied directly by email a couple of days ago - did that not make it through? Let me check and re-send it.
I was also wondering, I wish I had dug out my crowns from my last garden before I moved.
I am not bothered about them being organically grown as I cannot see that there will any anything transferred to the shoots, especially as you don't start harvesting for a couple of years, by which time anything you didn't want in there would be long gone.