Wrong time to plant Impatiens cuttings?

I want to grow Impatiens from a cutting - in December on Waiheke. It is now flourishing everywhere nearby, on similar sloped land facing the same way as my section. Is it possible to grow it from a small cutting? How big exactly? I have rooting hormone to paint on the cut stem, is there any other advice anyone can give on how to do this.

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  • Hello, I hope you've been successful with your Impatiens cuttings. They are generally easy to propagate.  Ideally cuttings should be about 4 nodes long, and planted in a pot in pumice, coarse sand or similar. Its important to get the humidity high around the cutting until the new roots go. I usually make a tent from a plastic bag or cut the bottom from a soft drink bottle and put that over the pot. Put the cuttings out of the direct sun, make sure the sand etc. is moist. It should take about 6-8 weeks to grow new roots. Anyway, I hope you've already got some new Impatiens growing. Cheers, Ingrid

    • Yes, they are thriving, in the earth now and about 1 foot high. I have started another round, will move them out of the direct sun per your advice

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