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  • Do your winter crops need a boost? Help the Central Otago under 13 Boys' Hockey team fundraising effort to attend the national tournament in Auckland this October and buy a 25kg bag (or two) of sheep pellets for $10. Text or call Karyn 027 270 5106 to arrange payment and collection from Lake Hayes Estate, Queenstown.
  • We have been awarded a grant from the Otago Masonic Charitable Trust towards the cost of fencing the extension of our gardens. Took a drive to Alexandra yesterday afternoon with fellow gardeners Kent and Dave to collect the cheque at the formal presentation. Work on the new fence has already commenced with the western boundary marked out with waratahs so hopefully will be ready to take on new gardeners for this growing season.
  • The Sallies are selling their hoop house that is currently located outside their shop in Industrial Pl. They paid $1800 for it and are selling for $1200. PM me for contact details of person to speak to if you're interested to buy it.

  • 2170553429?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024Annabelle and friend at the Composting workshop - helping to disperse the Post Office Cafe coffee grinds being used as a mulch on a raised bed :)

  • For those not on Facebook I have listed an event for our little community garden group.


    As the weather warms us gardeners starting thinking and dreaming about what to plant in the spring; lets get together and share seeds and tips for the coming months. For those wanting to start gardening this coming spring it would be a good chance to met fellow gardeners, and maybe learn some tips. It is still to chilly to met at the garden so I have suggest a pub, but that can be change that if someone has a better idea.


    WHEN: Thursday 30th August 6pm

    WHERE: Pub on Wharf 

    you can use this link - you may need to copy and paste it into the address bar




    Hope to see lots of you there. Megan myself and one other did this in autumn, this time it would be great to have more than three. 


  • I have set up a Facebook page for the group as we discussed in the AGM, the snow may have made me late to the meeting but let me do this today thanks to a closed day at Remarks. I decided to create a page rather than a group as a group would always be linked to my page.   A page also has some other features that a  group does not. 

    So if you are on Facebook simply type in to the search bar "Queenstown Harvest Community Garden" and than like the page.  Once you have liked it, you can load pictures, leave  posts or add links to other websites.  Or follow this link:


    Just as a heads up my ability to proof read is horrible unless it is on actual paper so I am sorry for any and all mistakes.  

    I have also sent out an invite email but often these things end up in junk mail.  

  • 2170547378?profile=RESIZE_1024x10242170548397?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024Our very tidy garden shed at Gorge Road, thanks to Jim.

    Neville has turned off the water and drained the lines, we don't want to risk the pipes freezing up.

  • Hi everyone.

    I have a bucket of bokashi compost that is ready to go into the ground but do not have anywhere productive to put it where I live. Is anyone interested in using it at the community garden?

    Thanks :-)

  • I have found this website that details what to plant when and you can get it to send email reminders to you.
  • Hi everyone, as summer time comes to an end, I started to think of winter crops, and coming from a very hot and sunny part of the world I have no idea what to plant over winter. Which lead me to think some of you must know of plants that can handle the frosts, which lead me think why don't we have a summer picnic and nowledge share at the garden this weekend. Because I have to car share with my husband I am going to say 3pm on Satruday. Bring a plate and your favourite gardening book if you have one. All welcomed. I will have a few rugs too.
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