We need to plan ahead for the future development of the Gorge Road site and need your input as to what the priorities should be.
We'd like to hear your ideas on how to encourage more people to join Harvest Gardens and how can we raise the awareness of the community at large of what has already been achieved.
Please make every effort to come along and if you can't make it, we still want to hear all your ideas, so please email them to us.
Feel free to invite any of your friends that might be interested to come and take a look at the Gorge Road Community Garden.
Please try to car pool as parking is limited, there's a layby across the road from the entrance to the garden. If you've not been there before, the gate to the garden is just after the children crossing sign before the road curves to the left.
If you're still not sure how to get there, please call Robin on 0274 376 265 or Megan on 021 508 500.
Look forward to seeing you on Saturday.
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