Cool stuff we need and have

Hey team, this discussion is to list materials/resources we want to try and obtain and also to liost stuff that comes available. I am planning to start up a proper resources directory, so this can be the precursor. Perhaps - new resource entries can be started as a reply to this initial entry and notes declaring that a resource has been obtained can be replies to individual resource entries...hope that makes is midnight.

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  • Pallets- I have a couple of pallet offcuts that I will drop off to the site soon.

    Also if anyone has a ute or large car, we can get heaps of pallets for free from: Bunnings, Placemakers, Mitre 10 etc.

    I have become quite adept at taking them if someone can pick them up...I'm happy to take them to pieces...the pallets that is.
  • I will get on to sorting that regular Living Planet mulch drop asap.

    I will also get some carpet, they have heaps available for free from Tawa Flooring world.

    Wayne Erb said:
    Just reposting this email I sent to Charles, great to get anyone's else input on this:

    I've spoken to Bark, the grounds maintenance people at the uni. This week or next, they'll drop off a heap of mulch and grass clippings - not a mountain but enough to get a compost heap going. Ping and I will put that together. We are on the lookout for a piece of old carpet or similar to cover it - let me know if you know of anything handy.

    Was also thinking of what we can do at the next working bee. We can use some existing gravel and ashphalt on site to make path. There's been more left by the roadworkers. **Do we also want to say sheet mulch some areas that will eventually be garden beds?
    If so, you could get Living Planet to drop off more mulch to use for this. I could round up some cardboard and also see if a lawnmowing contractor could drop off some clippings closer to the working bee.
    If others have things to make bed borders with, there would then be heaps to do at the working bee. It won't be an instant garden but combining all these things would help landscape the site and begin the process of adding fresh organic matter to make new soil.


  • Just reposting this email I sent to Charles, great to get anyone's else input on this:

    I've spoken to Bark, the grounds maintenance people at the uni. This week or next, they'll drop off a heap of mulch and grass clippings - not a mountain but enough to get a compost heap going. Ping and I will put that together. We are on the lookout for a piece of old carpet or similar to cover it - let me know if you know of anything handy.

    Was also thinking of what we can do at the next working bee. We can use some existing gravel and ashphalt on site to make path. There's been more left by the roadworkers. **Do we also want to say sheet mulch some areas that will eventually be garden beds?
    If so, you could get Living Planet to drop off more mulch to use for this. I could round up some cardboard and also see if a lawnmowing contractor could drop off some clippings closer to the working bee.
    If others have things to make bed borders with, there would then be heaps to do at the working bee. It won't be an instant garden but combining all these things would help landscape the site and begin the process of adding fresh organic matter to make new soil.


  • Some gravel at site available for making paths (which we can do next working bee).
    The road work crew smoothed out left over gravel which destroyed a bit more grass area, but we can rearrange this to make paths through site.

    Charles Barrie said:
    We need to start collecting materials to build garden beds in the new orchard site. The soil ther eis pretty compacted, so it looks like it will be raised all the way so lets keep our eyes out foor:

    - pallets,
    - bricks
    - concrete blocks, chunks
    - Bath tubs
    - tyres
    - soil and soil components
  • Bark, the university maintenance team will deliver some mulch (fine wood chip) and grass clippings to the new site this week or next.
    (Will use some to get a compost pile going.)
    (Might get in more if we want to lay out sheet mulch over parts of the site during next working bee)

    Charles Barrie said:
    We need to start collecting materials to build garden beds in the new orchard site. The soil ther eis pretty compacted, so it looks like it will be raised all the way so lets keep our eyes out foor:

    - pallets,
    - bricks
    - concrete blocks, chunks
    - Bath tubs
    - tyres
    - soil and soil components
  • Old cardboard for supressing weeds/sheet mulch at new site?

    Maybe a bit more corogated cardboard could be used at first site as a surface mulch?
  • Carpet: Does anyone have a decent size piece of old carpet? We want this to lay over a compost heap we will put together at the new site.
  • We need to start collecting materials to build garden beds in the new orchard site. The soil ther eis pretty compacted, so it looks like it will be raised all the way so lets keep our eyes out foor:

    - pallets,
    - bricks
    - concrete blocks, chunks
    - Bath tubs
    - tyres
    - soil and soil components
  • re;rain water collection materials

    what do we need for this? With a bit of corrogated iron on a slope, bent into a "u" or "v" shape to direct the rain into a container we might not need guttering

    perhaps it's easier to discuss this in person, just thought I'd better put it down here in case I forget
  • Maybe some pallets for constructing a 3 bay compost heap
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