
What can we do to get water into the garden? How can we collect it?

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  • I think Lynsey has been doing exactly this. Perhaops we can try to get one that will live in the garden. Lets keep our eye out at the dump shop...

    ...perhaps we need a new discussion on 'coolstuff we need'

    David N said:
    Also a trolly or cart ( or whatever you call those things seniors drag around) to carry bottles of water from the park might be worth thinking about if we want to give really generous waters and/or less strong members want a go.
  • Also a trolly or cart ( or whatever you call those things seniors drag around) to carry bottles of water from the park might be worth thinking about if we want to give really generous waters and/or less strong members want a go.
  • Great thoughts David, I still agree that a combination of approaches might work best- try to collect water, have a watering roster for our temperamental plants and plant as many drought tolerants as possible.

  • Lavender and Curry Plant are other species in the garden that like dry/drought, there are probably others, by identifying these plants we could reduce watering needs focusing on the things that really need it

    I recall Bil Mollison writing about Dew Collection in Africa as a water source somewhere, there doesn't appear to be that much about it aside from research on the net, there is an Internation Organisation for Dew Utilisation
    www.opur.u-bordeaux.fr/angl/question1_ang.htm .
  • One thing I thought of after the meeting: If the water problem can't be solved perhaps it might be worth looking into dry-loving/drought tolerant plants.

    The Cook's Survey Grass and the NZ Spinach already in the garden are in this category

    I think a Permaculturist might recommend this, find plants that adapt to the site, don't create un-necessary work and trouble by trying to grow ill-suited things

    Just a thought, a really good meeting I thought
  • That very large pot could be a good container. Scavenging sounds fun. Will keep my eyes out.
  • I'd be willing to transport water from the park tap in dry weather once or twice a week, if I'm around.Catching rainwater could be done too maybe, combinations of approaches is often good
  • sounds good, lets start collecting stuff and storing it in the unused bed on the left of the garden..once we have enough 'lego' we can have a working bee to put the pieces together.

    Phillipa Caignou said:
    how bout scavaging some corrogated iron, demo wood. spouting and erecting a shelter/frame that catches rain into a large container. the skip bins around the city are full of wonderful free stuff ready for the grabbing.
  • I'm still trying to figure it out Charles. Will do some research and report back at our next meeting.
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