Urban Growing
Hi, I'm a 4th year Industrial Design student and for my final year project I'm working on a project to try and encourage more people in urban areas to grow their own food. I'm currently researching to find out what the end result needs to do/be. I'm hoping some of you could fill out this questionnaire https://urbangrowing.typeform.com/to/J4dVkf Also I'd really love to hear your thoughts on permaculture design within smaller growing areas. I'm gearing towards a system that allows the user to…
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The Hungry Bin team are on Waiheke next weekend, come visit the stand to see the Hungry Bins in action, chat with the designer and order your own. Free Delivery to Waiheke.
Saturday Jan 21st- Ostend Markets 9 - 12noon
Sunday Jan 22nd - Waiheke Sustainability Market, Artworks 10 -4pm
Hi Jo
Not sure if you are the Jo I met in Manurewa int last year.
By the way, I am going to have my presentation for the APW on 6 August. Do I qualify for this group?
I also need the rest of the workshops for this year.
Kia ora folks, I coordinate the Aotearoa Diploma of Permaculture. Contact me for details: kamaburwell@iconz.co.nz
I really want to get back in touch with everyone.
I would like a copy of the names and addresses from the PDC.
We should set the date for the next Waiheke PDC course.
Love to hear from you Barb. Can you send me your phone number.
Thanks Jo
We met at the Hui. Have been wondering how things are progessing for the Ecoshow 2010? Would love to be involved.
The Permaculture in Schools group from the Hui is meeting in Raglan August 29th and 30th working on NCEA Permaculture Credits.