Coops, raw milk, the Food Bill 1981 section 11(2)(a)

Ok folks - i have an annoying question. If you dont feel comfortable answer on the list, can you please message me an answer:

We are setting up an organic and real food buying co-op. The members want to buy raw milk. Once a week someone from the coop will go to the farm gate producer (with containers supplied by each member buying milk), will pay for the milk, pick up the milk and deliver it to the individuals who purchased it.

Question: if the buyers are each paying for the milk they are buying and are suppliying their own containers BUT are not present at the farm gate at the time of pick up - are we breaking section 11(2)(a)? The milk is for individual members and its not more than 5ltrs per person.

If we are breaking the act, can you please suggest how we get around it?

My reading of the act does is that it only specifies that each person can purchase up to 5ltrs at one time, the milk has to be purchased, and is purchased at the farm gate from the producer. Whats your take on the act?

We would really appreciate some thoughts or answers relating to this.

(Ive been through the caselaw relating to this section but theres nothing there!)

Cheers and many thanks in advance, Steph

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  • HI Steph,

    we're setting up a natural foods co-op too, and as far as we understand it, as long as the milk is paid for by its user before it leaves the Farm Gate, then it can get to the user however they wish it.

    Our method will actually have the farmer bring it to a meeting point, but all milk sales must be finalised before any milk is brought to the meeting point, so it's already theirs, he's just "passing it to them".

    this isn't gospel, it's our best interpretation so far of the law, & how we're going to work it. :) Best of luck with your co-op! Exciting stuff!

  • Thank you Jane. I will see if one of the other coop directors can call you ( at work and cannot make personal calls - sincere whispering as I type this!). Many thanks again, Steph

  • Hi Steph,

    Ph. me 07 5422257

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