All Discussions (16)

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Why Raw Milk?


I am a fellow raw milk consumer. I buy raw milk mainly to make cheese and sustain my kefir culture! At the moment I am currently working on a small project for an Anthropology paper at the University of Canterbury studying something that is a

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Wellington raw milk ?

Hi milk-lovers . . . I just missed out on a Wellington milk group a few months ago (group was full, cow couldn't make more !) and am wondering if there are any other spots available in the Wellington (preferably Hutt) area ?

Cheers, AC

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Browns Bay Market

I discovered there is a farmer selling raw milk for 'pet food' at the Browns bay market, on from 7am till midday on sundays. (His stall also sells free-range eggs)

I am in Mt Albert and would be keen to join a co-op in this area. Suggestions for how

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