Chilli seeds

Does anyone know what to do with chilli seeds once you've scraped them out of the spicy little buggers? Or even if it's worth doing anything i.e. with chillis bought from the markets, will the seeds do anything anyway? please bear in mind i'm a newbie and have never saved seeds before so gimme an idiot's guide please!

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  • ooh i like the sound of not overwatering! thanks for the tips guys, i will keep watching them with interest and let you know if they germinate :O)
    • hello Rebecca, how are your chili plants coming along? Do post a photo when you find a moment.
  • Hello Rebecca, I wouldn't worry about the seeds being too dry, my plants were grown from the string of dried chilis in my kitchen that had been hanging around for several months. Sounds as though they're warm enough on your window sill, just a matter of not overwatering and being patient now! Keep us posted.
  • Hi Rebecca
    I'm finding my peppers took about a month to germinate.Some were a bit faster when the weather was warmer.
  • wow they look great megan! i have planted about a dozen seeds indoors out of a *very* dry chilli that had been sitting on my window sill all winter, getting lots of sun. i'm wondering if maybe the seeds were too dry, as i think it's been a couple of weeks and nothing has popped up yet .... or am i being impatient?? ha ha, we'll soon see. i'll keep you posted if anything pops up :O)

    Megan said:
    hello Rebecca, if you go to my page, you will see a photo of two chili plants grown from seed sown this time last year. The chili's had been dried already and were too hot to cook with the seeds (and I like hot food)! Didn't give them any special treatment other than starting them in potting mix & keeping them indoors until they were about 10cm high. They were then left outside all summer and came in for winter. If you look really closely, the larger plant has flower buds! if you send me a message with your address, happy to post a couple of chili's to you and you can try planting their seeds.
  • hello Rebecca, if you go to my page, you will see a photo of two chili plants grown from seed sown this time last year. The chili's had been dried already and were too hot to cook with the seeds (and I like hot food)! Didn't give them any special treatment other than starting them in potting mix & keeping them indoors until they were about 10cm high. They were then left outside all summer and came in for winter. If you look really closely, the larger plant has flower buds! if you send me a message with your address, happy to post a couple of chili's to you and you can try planting their seeds.
  • thats a great link Katherine, another that I have used before is
    Katharine said:
    Hi Rebecca
    They have a free electronic version available on their website that you can find at
  • Hi Rebecca
    I hadn't had much to do with Chilli seeds really, however in my shared garden there was a chili plants left from last summer, the red pods were wrinkled and dry so I took a look inside and the seeds were dry looking but still pale white/cream colour. I rubbed the pod between my hands to loosen the seeds and scattered them covering lightly..That was around 3 weeks ago.... I was gardening today and there are small seedlings coming up, they sure look like chilli seedlings to me... So, how easy is that.
  • Hi Rebecca
    I've found that chilli seed I've saved myself has germinated very reliably - I'm about to sow some this week; if you garden by the moon this is a planting time.
    All the best.
  • that's a good one. thanks annabelle.

    Annabelle said:
    Hi Rebecca
    I heard what sounded like a good tip the other day !
    Hang onto those little packets of silica gel you get when you buy new shoes etc.. and put them around your seeds to keep them nice and dry when storing.
    Annabelle :o)
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